Existing VIP members who have received a promo code can enjoy these perks when using their code:
Monthly reward booster with a $5 cap: Enjoy an additional $5 in rewards from your allocations.
Priority email support: Get faster and dedicated support for your inquiries.
Discounted swap fees of 0.45%: Benefit from reduced fees for swapping cryptocurrencies (available again 2 months after your first payment).
1 free withdrawal: Experience the convenience of a complimentary withdrawal (available again in the second month following your first payment).
Exclusive App UI after new App release on 10 July
If you have a promo code for the ELITE membership, you can easily apply this when enrolling into ELITE. Please follow these simple steps:
Go to the ELITE page by clicking here (please make sure to do this on the web browser, this is currently not possible in the mobile app)
Choose "ELITE Tier 1 monthly" and click Join
When you reach the the payment page, you can input the promo code on the left side, in the "Add promotion code" field